"On the basis of “sustainability”, Atakaş Corporate Group pays ultimate attention to maintain its activities by minimizing the resulting environmental impacts and protect the lands it is active on. With this point of view, the Group renewed its working styles and set out the below-given principles."
- We duly follow all applicable legal regulations and legislations regarding the environment and we ensure that all of our employees and third party individuals/companies we work with follow these requirements too.
- We regard all wastes resulting from our activities as a loss of natural resources and we work on environmentalist methods that adopt recycling as a principle to prevent waste creation at the source.
- We develop new methods to conserve natural resources like power and water and we protect our resources with a corporate conscious of nationality.
- We improve our activities by developing preventive approaches through advancing technologies to prevent all losses that might negatively affect our environment and to maximize efficiency.
- We constantly follow up with, measure, and improve the performance of Environmental Management System.
- We conduct analyses to control and contain the environmental impacts of our activities to determine and follow up with environmental aims and goals that ensures minimization of natural resources usage.